[caption id="attachment_1102" align="alignleft" width="282"] www.istock.com[/caption] This is the third of three posts where you get to meet the main characters of Hunter Hunted so that…
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[caption id="attachment_1103" align="alignleft" width="279"] www.istock.com[/caption] This is the second of three posts where you get to meet the main characters of Hunter Hunted so that…
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Introducing On-the-Edge Suspense
Welcome to my first blog post of my newly renovated website. I'm glad you're here to check it out. Let me introduce myself. I'm Jennifer…
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Changing It Up
I know it's been a bit since I wrote. Part of it occurs when the To Do list grows out of control and pushes blogging…
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God’s Little Miracles: A New Look at an Old Metaphor
I put our garden in last weekend. It's one of the rituals of spring that I love. Actually, it starts earlier than that. In late…
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