Blogger's Note: For the next three weeks, I'll be blogging about the main characters in the novel Loose Ends. First up is Alex Thornton. Learn…
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Getting the Rest of the Story
[caption id="attachment_1635" align="alignleft" width="260"] Release date: February 6, 2018[/caption] As a reader, have you ever read a book and wondered why a character acted a…
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Have you ever had a phone conversation that changed your life and in a good way? I did. It happened on a hot July day…
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Lisa Shearin, who is a very accomplished urban fantasy writer, and I shared a fence for five years. One day, we chatted over that four-foot…
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My life is totally disorganized. That thought flew through my head a couple of days ago as I stared at our dining room table. Once…
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