In chess, the pawn is considered to be the infantry. Its moves are limited, and many players consider it to be a low-value piece. However,…
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Theme. That’s an elusive term to grasp. If a writer pushes too hard at a theme, it’s easy to overdo, and she comes across as…
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Many of you know that, surprise, surprise, I was not an English major in college. I was a physics major, and the language I spoke…
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[caption id="attachment_1120" align="alignleft" width="269"] Photo courtesy of www.flickr.com and Tetsumo.[/caption] In February, I attended a writer’s retreat. We ate chocolate. Talked a lot, laughed, and…
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[caption id="attachment_1043" align="alignleft" width="319"] Photo courtesy of Oneras and www.flickr.com.[/caption] Before I began writing, I always enjoyed reading. “Read what you like to write.” That’s…
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