The main characters in Operation Shadow Box have spoken. Now, as author, it’s my turn. In today’s post, I’ve picked five questions that I might…
Continue Reading[caption id="attachment_1107" align="alignleft" width="275"][/caption] In this post, you’ll get to meet Deborah Fields, the one woman who completely surprises Victor in many ways. 1. …
Continue ReadingBlogger’s Note: Sometimes life throws so many curveballs at you that you have to hunker down and wait out the chaos. The past few weeks…
Continue Reading[caption id="attachment_1105" align="alignleft" width="281"][/caption] In this post, find out more about Gary Walton, Victor’s best friend. In Operation Shadow Box, he gives Victor the…
Continue Reading[caption id="attachment_1106" align="alignleft" width="257"][/caption] In this post, you get to meet the protagonist of Operation Shadow Box, Victor Chavez. Learn in his words and…
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